Luxurious study design project

  • Luxurious study design project
  • Design, Luxurious study design project

Standard of presentability

The luxurious study in a pompous palace style instantly gives the impression of presentability and seriousness of its owner. The mood in it is created by noble natural materials of wood and stone. Each element is perfectly combined with other and makes it clear how chicly a classic interior can look.

Wainscots and built-in elements create an unified festive composition that has its own utility. The entire study space is filled with various textures and ornaments that can be viewed endlessly, each time perceiving them in a new way.

дизайн-проект кабинета

The central and main element in the interior is a massive desktop made in the overall festive style. The study provides a lounge area with especially beautiful carved furniture. Luxurious gold armchairs and coffee table are richly decorated with handmade carvings. The caisson ceiling is also made of expensive species of wood and decorated with carved rosaces.

study design project

 study design project

study design projectstudy design project

study design project

study design project

study design project

study design project

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